I feel so much better. There are occasional moments that threaten to rob my peace and bring back an old pang - such as when singer "friends" text me from NY, complaining or bragging.
I simply choose not to engage. This spring will be about:
- keeping my head down, working and getting financially stable - and possibly saving for what's ahead
- making arrangements for the schedule/lifestyle shifts that are coming soon (piano students and church)
- finishing the floors so that our condo is in top condition and no longer a source of stress
- throughout all of this, and on a daily basis: learning Ophelie and Lucia. What a luxury to have so much time to truly learn and absorb these two characters!
The world will keep turning outside of this, and there will always be singers who are more and less "successful" than I - but for me, it was never about them, anyway.
Besides, the present is quite lovely. It's Christmas-time, and I'm truly enjoying the small things: hot tea, rain on the roof, candles and blinking lights while Chad and I watch "House" reruns and just enjoy being home together.
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