Thursday, May 20, 2010

another one down...

The audition felt pretty solid... it helped to feel glamorous, in my new dress and stilettos (which, I have discovered, are GREAT for support). 'Caro nome' went like clockwork - there were some triumphs, thanks to the grounding reminders of D., and some "tricks of the trade" from S. During the following traditional "what should we hear next" mumbling, I heard them say something about Lucia, and they asked for the second (crazier) half of the Ophelia mad scene.
The auditions director) was really militant about not letting us bring water onstage, and it was unbelievably dry. I wish I'd just left the stage to get a drink, but didn't think to do that - DUMB. Felt really dried out halfway through, but I'm not sure how detectable it was - I spent a little more time on the middle-register notes when I could, to get my larynx back to balance, and I felt like I was back on solid ground for the end. I acted my tush off, of course... the staging is so built-in for me, now.
So, there we I pretend to let it go, but in reality will be checking my phone for messages every 5 minutes. :)

I wish I could jump directly into Lucia, but it's my final Thursday at the church, and this particular year's end is marked with the poignancy of Th Boss' retirement. Trying to remember all the details that I should be taking care of, as choir director. Signing the big card. Rehearsing special music. Calling alumni and graduates. Cupcakes. It goes on and on.

I suppose it's a forced "transition" into the next singing project - a cleansing of the singing mind, in a way. Or maybe it's more like a "restart". Either way, I'll be glad to just move on to what's next.

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