Monday, May 24, 2010

ends and beginnings

Today has been the official "turnover" day. With a cup of liquid ambition, I summoned up the strength to write my thank-you's, put the OSB stuff in the scrapbook, and officially close that chapter.
I am now, without a doubt, in the throes of Lucia. Okay, so I'm scared. Of failing - actually, of worse than failing - of just being okay. I sometimes wish I'd performed the role elsewhere. Because it's not only the role itself and all it means, it's also the high visibility of the company - made clear to me by the almost daily congratulations and mentions that come to me via Facebook, email, and people in the biz.

No matter, I just need to remember the following:
1. I have help. Lots of it.
2. I have sung longer (Susanna) and more difficult (Hoffmann) roles before.
3. A quarter note is still a quarter note, and I need to set aside all emotion when it comes time to just learn the damned notes.

This whole process will teach me to remain calm under pressure, and to pace myself.

May I just say: how GREAT is it to work for a professional company? Three weeks, from start to finish! And we've been given our entire schedule already. Also, TWO full orchestra dresses before the Final Dress.

I feel like Dorothy, when she first opens the door to find a world of color....

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