However, in the midst of yesterday, an email came across my Blackberry absolutely confirming my audition place and time in Cleveland. So it's on, and starting with Monday, it'll be Focus Week.
Fear wants to bubble up now and again, especially when I'm tired like this. But thankfully, I have done enough auditions by now to know my routine, and which elements I can control in order to sing my best.
True, this year will present new challenges, and given the auditions I'm choosing to pursue, the stakes are higher - there is a difference between singing for Local Company A, where everyone in the room knows me, and singing for Big Regional Company X, in the "big kids' playground". Still, fear won't help me at all - and I must have done something right to get this far.
In the meantime, I start my piano teaching today. After a long week, C. and I have tonight and tomorrow morning to catch up. We haven't had our Saturday morning "state of things" over tea/coffee in a while, so I'm looking forward to it.
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