Thursday, February 18, 2010

back in control

As I suspected it would be, today was a much better day. After eating and exercising the way I know I should yesterday, I slept better and woke up in a better state of mind.

I'm starting to think this is not a cold. I've been reading about the common symptoms folks experience a couple weeks into a vegan diet, and it's all sounding very familiar. But I think I can relax as my body adjusts - besides, the peacefulness I feel, not to mention clearer skin and better sleep, are worth the other temporary oddities (like, this cold that isn't really a cold).

I am starting to feel a slight tension, similar to waiting for Christmas as a child, or counting down the days left in a college semester;
After this week,
A. I have 5 weeks to go until I leave for Santa Barbara and that unknown adventure.
B. 19 weeks until The Boss retires. Hence, I can't really make any changes to my hours/ responsibilities until after that point, when I meet the new guy and G then tells me her next move. But that's not what worries me - I wonder how/if his relationship with us will change. I hope, for the better. It was better before I worked for him - which should be no surprise.

This week, I struck a blow for freedom, and negotiated 1 less hour at the CPA firm, so that I can practice every day.

I sang for a whole hour today, and it feels like such a luxury....until I remember that I have very real deadlines, and that I have to do it.

It is, unfortunately, Thursday...... St. Stephen continues to take me on an emotional roller coaster - its highs and lows depend on how much I care about a given situation or person.... from a bird's eye view, the choral program has never been this strong - and yet, there's no denying it: people are a lot of work.

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