Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I still have a voice - yea!

My thrilling session with BV was followed by an equally thrilling lesson with D. on Saturday, during which we discovered my G above high C.
I suppose there is something to be said for not having time to do much in the way of actual singing - the voice is plenty rested.
Had a fun and somewhat relaxing weekend, but woke up with a cold. Staying low-key, but taking advantage of a suddenly free morning to get some more work done in preparation. If I can't sing today, I can translate, order/organize music, etc.
Still no contract for Lucia - a thought that nags me periodically. Waiting for both companies' official season announcement/press releases. Then I can send it to my people - especially, SFO. I wonder if I ever cross their minds....


  1. Who's BV Angela? So glad that and your lesson with D. was equally wonderufl. Wow! A G above high C?! This is EXCITING!!!!! Woohooooo!!!
    First time I ever noticed how well I could sing after not doing any for a good length of time was going back to rehearsal after one of our camping trips. The effortlessness stunned me and taught me a lesson not forgotten. Yet, she said sadly.

  2. Hmmm. I don't know why parts of my sentences aren't there. Well, perhaps I only THOUGHT I wrote those words. Okay. Time to call it quits. Love you, my special, good hearted friend.

  3. Wow, thank you for your comments! They fill my heart with joy. :) XOXOXOXOXO
