Thursday, November 5, 2009


Last night I received the balm to a wound I didn't know I was nursing.... C. called me on his way home to say that he'd cancelled his evening meeting, because in all the stress surrounding his fmaily and the funeral arrangements, compounded by the stress of an unusually hectic week - he wanted to come home and make me his first priority "because I'm the one who matters most." Tears sprang to my eyes before I even realized it.

I don't care if it's psycho-somatic - my flu symptoms seem to have subsided overnight. I'm still not 100%, but am steadily making my way to it.

What's more: under pressure from folks who want me working as their accompanist for spring musicals and such, I emailed OSB to ask whether they'd made their decision yet, expecting the worst. I received a response as warm, promising, and enthusiastic as when we first started our "courtship" - I am still a finalist, and under consideration as an 'artist' in general - will have an answer (specifically, about the young artist program) by Monday.

And as a bonus - though not great, I was able to determine this morning that our financial worries are not as dire as I'd thought. As paychecks start coming in, and if I remain diligent and focused on our priorities and goals, we may climb out of the hole yet.

Just when I start feeling that all is darkness and despair, I am reminded that it's not. Today's word is balance.

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