Wednesday, October 7, 2009

email storms

There was an email storm today, right in the midst of what was supposed to be my "getaway" day of hair and facial appointments.

No word from Indianapolis? I contact Toledo and ask to sing for them (why waste a trip?). They say yes. Email from agent: no, no, Indianapolis IS going to hear you! Didn't you get my email? Why, no, I didn't. Ask Toledo about the next day, look into changing flight. I could sing for Toledo on Thurs AM if I call in sick that night (risk losing job, and at the very least, miss out on a much-needed paycheck).

(This is while my foil-covered head is sitting under the dryer)

As of today at 3pm, it's back to Plan A:

Tuesday: drive 3 hrs, sing for Cleveland
Wednesday: drive 5 hrs, sing for Indianapolis
Thursday: fly back, drive directly to church, and get through the Junior Choir rehearsal. On to opera chorus at night, but hopefully no one there will really notice that I'm in a walking coma.

Sometime during Friday and Saturday, I will have a chance to process what the hell happened.

I hope I'm able to focus on singing well, somewhere in there....