Tuesday, October 27, 2009

front and back burners

I'm fighting a bug. I suppose it was inevitable, given the "marathon" I've just run. Still, it reminds me of the mortal and fragile nature of my instrument, and that regardless of all other considerations, sick is sick.

There is a vague sense of worry about music to learn for my November audition trip - and while I'm on that subject, indulge me a mini-rant: HGO requires an aria "in my own language, written in my lifetime" - what kind of repertoire requirement is that?! To be restricted to something written after 1977 is very strange. But I did find something - an aria from Little Women, and am waiting for that music to come in the mail - so I can start fretting over that.

I know I must decide on my NYC dates soon, but there are still application deadlines yet to pass, and many things remain up in the air. In general, I am weighing auditions according to importance (to ME). I have been denied a few auditions, and cancelled a few others. Trying to remain focused on what I really want - but it's so tempting to "just sing for everybody". Reminder to self: A legit role trumps a young artist program, while a really good young artist program trumps anything local. The desired path: better roles at better companies.

But that's not right now. Right now is about getting through the day's chores and piano lessons, snorting the Zicam every 4 hours, and praying this thing passes quickly.

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